What is carob?

What is Carob?

Carob is one of our hero ingredients and there’s a ton of reasons why. Ceratonia siliqua is an evergreen tree that’s native to the Mediterranean where it’s been cultivated for thousands of years. Today, you can even find it as far afield as Australia. Let’s delve into the tasty and often misunderstood world of carob, exploring its benefits, the reasons why it’s often compared to cocoa and why it’s regarded as a super sustainable superfood.

Carob’s benefits

The carob tree produces long, brown pods that contain sweet pulp and seeds. After harvesting, the chestnut brown coloured pods are processed, offering many of the aromas, flavours and benefits associated with cocoa. What’s more, it also has a rich antioxidant profile that’s similar to cocoa and has a much lower fat content.

As a legume, one of its standout features is the absence of caffeine and theobromine, two compounds found in cocoa that act as stimulants. This makes carob-based products an excellent choice for anyone who’s sensitive to caffeine or for those looking to avoid stimulants due to dietary restrictions.

Carob is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains high levels of vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It’s also high in dietary fibre, which promotes digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Carob is naturally sweet and its sugar is also low glycemic index (GI).

Cocoa allergies are more common than you’d think and for individuals with sensitivities or allergies to cocoa, carob-based products provide tasty and safe alternatives. It allows them to enjoy chocolate-flavored treats without the risk of an allergic reaction.


A highly sustainable crop

Carob trees are super sustainable and thrive in arid regions, even deserts! These trees require little irrigation, making them well-suited to drought-prone areas where other crops could struggle to survive, especially as they can withstand high temperatures: up to 50°C. Unlike other conventional crops that demand extensive water resources, carob cultivation helps conserve water, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. 

Carob trees are highly regarded for their natural resistance to pests and disease. This aids organic farming practices without the need for pesticides. This promotes a healthier ecosystem in and around carob orchards.

A delicious superfood

As more and more consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of mass-produced chocolate, carob represents a shining example of deliciousness, health benefits and sustainability. Packed full of antioxidants and minerals and with chocolate-y aromas and flavours, it’s no wonder we’re carob fanatics and the awesome things we’re able to tease out of this superfood!


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Mass-Produced Chocolate’s Dark Secrets