Wholesale Chocolate: 4 Reasons Why our Alternatives are a Strategic Choice for Your Business

When it comes to confectionery, having a reliable chocolate wholesaler is essential for any business. Whether you’re an independent bakery, restaurant group, or represent larger catering companies, you’ll understand how important it is to keep costs down and have a short, dependable supply chain. Let’s take a closer look at why partnering with an alternative chocolate supplier is a strategic move for your business.
1. Potential chocolate shortages predicted
Cocoa crops are highly vulnerable to climate change, including rising temperatures and reduced rainfall, which has led experts to predict chocolate shortages and supply chain issues in the coming years even as cocoa prices are already up a staggering 66% in the UK and 46% in the U.S. Cocoa crops are increasingly being affected by diseases: 16% of West African cocoa trees are infected with swollen shoot virus. A combination of both diseases and factors directly attributed to climate change – think flash flooding and drought – are already affecting cocoa yields.
2. A 1-for-1 replacement
Our cocoa-free chocolate alternative looks, smells, melts, tastes and snaps just like the chocolate you already buy. What’s more, our “choc” behaves in exactly the same way as conventional chocolate. It’s a 1-for-1 replacement that doesn’t need any additional equipment or training provided; you can use the machines you have already to create your delicious products. Our choc works in all applications: think pastries, cakes, cookies, coatings, doughnuts, desserts and more!
3. A short, robust supply chain
With no synthetic biology involved and no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), our choc is made using cutting-edge science fused with the same process as conventional chocolate undergoes. We source abundant, affordable and sustainable ingredients as locally as possible. This ensures that our supply chain is short, robust and resilient, something that’s increasingly important for businesses in these uncertain times who want chocolate alternatives to safeguard against disruption and rising cocoa prices.
4. Ethical & sustainable products
We use zero cocoa in our choc. That means there’s no child or slave labour involved in the sourcing and manufacture of any of our products, something which consumers are becoming more and more conscious of when making purchasing decisions. Creating choc that’s good for you and better for the people and the planet has always been our mission and will always be. A recent My Emissions report reviewing our internal processes (link to ‘Standards page) shows that our choc production emits 80% less CO2 than that of conventional chocolate making and, similarly, 90% less water is used when making our choc, compared to regular chocolate.
Interested in finding out more about our wholesale chocolate alternative? Contact us or email sales@eatwinwin.com for more information on how our affordable, sustainable and ethical choc can help your business.